As Hilde lives in Germany and I live in Brazil, most people signed up are from these two countries. For me a fun way to practice my Portuguese. And best of all, soon I will meet some of them who live in São Paulo as well!
If some of you still have not heard from their swap partner, please let us know and we will try to help to solve the (language) problems. It is just great to know that quilting and other kinds of crafts brings people together and that Swaps are all about sharing fun and loving thoughts as Hilde puts it! Check out her blog as her "Liesel’s Hexagon Technique" is reprinted!

I have been working on some House blocks again with Japanese fabrics. It is all a fiddly work and I am longing to go and sit behind the sewing machine and quilt my Gecko quilt...
De laatste paar dagen heb ik weer zitten stoeien met Japanse stofjes. Maar het wordt tijd dat ik weer eens achter de naaimachine kruip en de Geckoquilt ga quilten...
Last but not least I should tell you about this lovely free give away at her block! I know her from my time in Singapore and she makes nice quilts and boxes. The fabrics she is giving away are cheering up my day! Maybe I should not have told you... ;-)
En nog even dit: er is een hele leuke giveaway op haar blog. Ik ken haar uit mijn 'Singapore-tijd' en ze maakt mooie quilts en dozen. De stofjes die ze weg gaat geven zijn lekker vrolijk. Misschien had ik je het eigenlijk niet moeten vertellen... ;-)
Thanks Hilde for mentioning my humble give away! We have in the meantime arrived here in Switzerland and I am enjoying the fresh air although I'm still a bit groggy from the jetlag. Love your new house blocks and can't wait to see you gecko quilt finished. Did you manage to have your Bernina BSR fixed? Love Vreni xx
ReplyDeleteHa Hilde,
ReplyDeleteWat is je molentje met vlaggetjes leuk geworden!
Kom er nu achter dat de Hilde uit Duitsland "de Hilde" is van het boek waar we de regenboogquilts uit hebben gemaakt, hihi!
We hebben je gemist gister,
fijn weekend, lieve groetjes,
Ik kan me voorstellen dat je je gevleid voelt toen je gevraagd werd om mee te helpen. De give aways ga ik zeker bekijken. Wat een leuke blokkjes ben je aan het maken, echt hollands, wat gaat het worden?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It is incredible how many lovely connections came out for us. I am glad to know you! x Hilde
ReplyDeleteThank you for your help offer for pincushion swap. I´ve got already in contact with my partners. One is of Brazil -. Dulce - and it is a lot of fun to write in Portugiese - never did it befor, but really, it works! It is really fun!
ReplyDeleteSilvia from Austria