Tuesday, 15 February 2011

You've got mail!

When you move to a new place, if it is only a few blocks from your old place or 10.000 Km far away, it is always nice to receive a letter in the old fashioned mail! It is like you are living there already for some time and people know where to find you!

These Siggies have found their way to Brazil over the last 2 months. Every time again it is fun to see how much work everybody makes from their Siggy. I only started collecting Siggies in October last year and by now I have about 50 pieces; not enough yet to make a quilt out of it but still.

These Siggies are from:
Top row: Coba Matthijssen, Klazien van der Meer, Jeannette van Campen, Michi Hessels-Stawski
Second row: Sara Bangs, Vera Voet, Wil Fennis, Rossana Gandusio
Third row: Kerry Fondren, Tini Dominggus, Els Worseling, Mary Winegar
Fourth row: Anke van de Ven, Fenny Trip, Renate Risse, Femija Arlt

Thanks to you all ladies! And I hope you all have received mine by now! Having said that; I just dropped of the latest 4 Siggies at the post office and it will take about two weeks before they arrive in Europe... ;-)

Sometimes, the postman puts this stamp on the envelop... I wished he did so on all Siggy envelopes!

Ciao from Brazil, Hilde

Note: if you want to participate in this international Siggy swap, please visit her blog: http://quiltsandsiggies.web-log.nl/quilts_and_siggies/


  1. Wow, you received a lot of siggies.

  2. It's looking great already! I like the block with the cat ;).

  3. Thanks Hilde! Siggies are really amusing! I love them!

  4. Gezellig siggies heb je gekregen. Het is niet mijn ding. Trouwens wat een leuke postzegel.


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